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Diposting di forum Austria

Ja sam završila srednju medicinsku i Visoku zdravstvenu školu i imam sve dokumente prevedene na njemački i imam cetrifikat za A2 nivo njemačkog jezika.Znam odlično engleski,imam izraženu želju za rad u austriji,ima li neko da sa njim se mogu posavjetovati o mogućnosti zapošljenja sa mojom strukom?

  • cri job

    diposting oleh  di forum Austria 

    if you speak so many foreign languages,
    what about to use them, so maybe some one will understand what you need and try to help.
    Remember that for working in a sanitary environment the A2 is not enough, maybe you can find something else for a while to improve your skills, what about that??

  • diposting oleh  di forum Austria 

    how are you?

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