Lenita Wernqvist

About me

Lenita Wernqvist
 Lenita Wernqvist
About me:
Hi, there! How nice of you to take the time to read about me. I'm just a girl from Sweden, born 1987, who is looking to live and work in the United States, preferably in Texas. Why Texas? Honestly, there's just something beautiful about that place. I often find myself sitting on Google, just looking at pictures and searching for information about Texas. As it is today in Sweden, there's not much hope for me to get a job. Therefore I thought I might try this for a change. I currently live in a rental apartment with my cats. I'm a big animal lover and sometimes kind of a loner. I don't drink or smoke, but I'm no health freak either. I like going to the gym, but sometimes I tend to get stuck in front of the TV instead, haha!
Living in:
Södermanlands län (Sweden)
English, Swedish
Looking for:
Business contacts
36 years
Södermanlands län, Texas


My current interests aren't that interesting. But there's a lot of things I would like to learn. Like how to gut a pig, how to use a rifle, to drive a tractor. I wish I had someone who would go camping with me, and teach me a bit about the wildlife style. A perfect Saturday means getting some sun and have a nice BBQ with a big, juicy stake!
Favourite music:
Dallas Davidson is always nice
Favourite films:
Timber Falls and other horror
Favourite books:
Death Clutch by Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman
Things I like:
Animals, nature, simplicity, honesty
Things I hate:
Animal cruelty, pollution, pretentiousness
Relationship status:


Former Career:
Laundry service, Pet store, Probation officer, Cleaning company