
Επιστροφή στην Μάλτα φόρουμ


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Hello everybody!!!my Name is Alessandra I am Italian But I live in Vienna for almost 4 jears. I need your help. I would like really work for EASO in Malta But it is Very difficult to enter in this Kind of organisation. I have a degree in law and I Can speak English German spanish and of course Italian. Is there here simeone that work for Easo or for similar organisations or simeone that Can give me some advices
I Thank you and apprecciate everybody Kind of helpful. Thank you and have a great week

  • Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Μάλτα 

    Hey there,

    The best way to find someone working at EASO is to use LinkedIn where you can use the filters using the current company/organization and location (Malta).

    Good luck!

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