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Επιστροφή στην Σαντιάγκο φόρουμ

Tandem Santiago de Chile

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Σαντιάγκο

Is there people in Santiago de Chile interested in to make a language interchange (i.e tandem)? I would be specially happy to find people to speak in english, german o portugues.

  • Eduardo E

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Σαντιάγκο 

    Hi Anca,

    I am not from Chile and unfortunately I cannot speak about the schools in Chile but I know something about the university system which is really of high quality. Research is an issue which is high supported by the goverment. You can have in Chile a great time because people is quite friendly. I would recommend you to learn spanish as well as possible.


  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Anca Mihai

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Σαντιάγκο 

    how is school in chile? I am Romanian and went move in Copiapo Chile, what advice give me worth it to come? I will pass grade 9 at school in September and have to move because my parents have a foerta there! I have 15 years. Plz respond!

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