2024 The 14th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (wcse 2024)


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Phuket Island, Thailand

Phuket, Thailand Karte

Accepted and registered papers can be included in( WCSE conferences proceedings). Papers presented in this conference will also be submitted for inclusion in (Scopus, Ei compendex.)

{ History }

WCSE 2018 | Bangkok, Thailand | ISBN: 978-981-11-7861-0 | EI, SCOPUS Sucessfully
WCSE 2019 | Hong Kong | ISBN: 978-981-14-1684-2 | EI, SCOPUS Sucessfully
WCSE 2020 | Online | ISBN: 978-981-14-4787-7 | EI, SCOPUS Sucessfully
WCSE 2021 | Online | ISBN: 978-981-18-1791-5 | EI, SCOPUS Sucessfully within 3 months
WCSE 2022 | Online | ISBN: 978-981-18-3959-7 | EI, SCOPUS Sucessfully within 3 months
WCSE 2023 | Singapore | ISBN: 978-981-18-7950-0 | EI, SCOPUS soon

{ Submission Method }
1. Send your manuscript directly to conference official email: wcse_general@wcse.org and wcse@sciei.org
2. Submit your paper through easychair system: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wcse2024

{ Conference Scope }
The works that will be presented and published at conference will focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:

Earthquake engineering
Architectural engineering
Aerospace engineering
Acoustical engineering
Artificial intelligence
Automotive engineering
Computer Science & engineering
Electrical engineering
Environmental engineering
Engineering science and mechanics
Engineering economics
Engineering management
Industrial engineering

*Information Technology*
Signal processing and information fusion
Voice, Video and Image Processing
Human-Computer Interaction Techniques
Database and Information Mining
Knowledge Acquisition and Processing
Information Management System

*Theories and Applications of Advanced Control*
Nonlinear System Control
Optimal Control
Robust Control
Adaptive Control
Neural Network
Pattern Recognition
Random System

{ Contact }
Ms. Ashily X.W Qi
wcse_general@wcse.org or wcse@sciei.org

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